Temporary Visa
Our tent pegs are being lifted, folks.
We’re no stranger to this! We’ve sold everything before, and we can do it again, even if it’s unexpected. Instability has always been part of our lives. In New Zealand, even owning a home came with the nagging fear that "an earthquake could ruin us," often peaking when multiple rates bills arrived. Renting was even more insecure—a dance with the landlord. Thankfully, we had good ones. But rent always rose, and appliances broke, reminding us how unsettled life can be.
But God is preparing a place for us.
Living in a foreign land adds another layer of instability. Every time our residency renewal looms, I am reminded we are just guests here. I walk familiar streets, nod at the butcher, maybe attempt some banter. But if the government decides we’re superfluous, my family and I would be sent straight back to New Zealand. To keep myself from developing stomach ulcers and multiple hernias, I push these concerns into the forgotten corners of my mind.
But God is preparing a place for us.
This past year has been one of the hardest of my life. Missions is tough, and this season has been deeply unsettling. One challenge has been untangling my vision for the future from the path God is actually leading us toward. There might be some pride attached—we’re not here alone. Many of you support us financially and spiritually, standing with us in camaraderie. But when the plan changes, so does the vision we’ve shared for nearly seven years, and maybe my pride is slowing me down. I want to show consistency, perseverance, and integrity. I want to be one of the few who stays.
But God is preparing a place for us.
Spain is beckoning. The shift feels both bittersweet and inevitable, as if all the changes in Hungary were steering us towards this opportunity. Maybe that’s just how I like to see things, but God’s hand has been evident throughout this journey.
“The shift feels both bittersweet and inevitable, as if all the changes in Hungary were steering us towards this opportunity. Maybe that’s just how I like to see things, but God’s hand has been evident throughout this journey.”
On a trip to Peña de Horeb this year, it became clear the field there needs us—well, it needs Glyn! One Mission Society has had a camp in Spain for nearly 50 years, a place with a rich heritage and many stories of impact, restoration, and salvation. But times have been tough. Short-term teams have helped with repairs, but the camp needs long-term workers willing to dig in. The soil—both literal and spiritual—is hard. Spain’s religious history is deep and complicated, making evangelical ministry even more so. We’ll need to be ready for the challenges, but there is space for us there.
He is indeed preparing a place for us.
Despite the challenges, Spain is an answer to prayer. In Budapest, Glyn maintained out-of-town work, but that rhythm meant he was happiest away—creating a strain at home. I thought the answer was to adapt and push through. And even if we had wanted to move, my role was fixed in Budapest. But this year changed everything. A great upheaval in Hungary triggered a cascade of change, and we felt the tent pegs start to lift.
We love Hungary; it has given us friendships and broadened our perspective. But as the ground shifted beneath us, all we could do was cling to what mattered most. Some know our Hungary field has faced significant challenges, and we weren’t exempt. Did you know the number one reason missionaries return home is team dynamics? More than the struggles of ministry, language, or cultural adaptation, it’s the personal tensions that undo many. In missions, when things go awry, we don’t just lose a job—we risk losing a role, a city, a country, and sometimes years of our lives recovering from a vision that didn’t pan out.
Hungary is no exception. Our team experienced a major shake-up this year. Missionaries don’t often talk about these challenges—it feels too ordinary to mention. But it’s real, and it’s part of the story.
But through it all, God is preparing a new place for us.
We feel vision budding again. Glyn sees the camp’s potential as a hub for community outreach. I see ways I can invest while helping Minna navigate another new school. And I find hope in a new balance—where a steady, happy home life can thrive alongside ministry. Sometimes, it’s about pushing through. Other times, God offers a different path, and it would be foolish not to take it.
God is preparing a place for us, and I'm excited to take Him up on His offer.
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ”