Temporary Visa
I’m finding hope in the idea of a new balance—one where a steady and happy home life can thrive alongside ministry.

The Permanent Lump in the Back of my Throat
At this moment, the decision to lift my eyes from my reading resulted in the feelings of goodbye and departure starting to bubble up inside.

The Great Unsettling
Unsettling is hard. But I promise you it will be the best thing you ever do.
Graduation and a Speech
I can honestly say I don’t think there have been a lot of people as pessimistic about this course as I was when I first drove in over those gigantic Eastwest signature speed bumps.
The Bittersweet of the Almost Finished
The lack of clarity around Goodbye protocol could make one cry out for the strict regimented structure of olden-day England, and as a woman, that’s saying something.
Four Reasons Why Missionaries Aren't Super Christians
We can be guilty of letting honour and opinion become more important than the actual truth of the calling.

Five Reasons Why Europe Still Needs Missionaries
It’s really easy to think that because Europe has Christian heritage and history, they no longer require missionaries to work there.

Space to Create
I don’t often let myself get bored, but when I do, there seem to be extreme consequences.

Know Thy Self - Checking Weaknesses
It’s been a rough season. And it didn’t take long for the cracks to start showing.

Preparing a Toddler for Missions
One of the things we can do from this side of the adventure is to be purposeful about certain actions that will smooth out the overall transition.

Four Myths of Missions Preparation
Preparation for the journey has not been all I thought it would be.

5 Modern Ways to Prepare for Long Term Missions
Here are just a few of the ways that we are preparing for our journey that missionaries even just a decade ago didn’t have access to.

Kiwi Slang: A guide for our future friends
Grab your togs and go suss out a beach in the wop wops before your friend packs a sad and carks it.

7 Steps to choosing a Sending Agency for Long Term Missions
It’s an important decision! Here’s how we made it.