Four Short Book Reviews for January 2022
This year started in a buzz of momentum with a few extra hours for reading. So naturally (because I’m over 30), I made it one of my New Year Resolutions to read more this year.
When It’s on the Child
It’s one thing having to lie in the bed we made, but every morning Minna comes bounding out of her room toward ours for a quick snuggle in that bed, literally and figuratively.
5 Ways to Not Wreck Everything
How do we weigh the good in seeing things with a fresh perspective, along with the downside of perhaps not seeing the bigger picture just yet?
Habits over Goals
These automatic habits that I had fallen into were actually stealing time away from me and causing me to rush with the things that deserved a good amount of time. I was becoming far too busy because I was actually being wasteful.
The Comparison Trap
If I can take the time to understand why things work a certain way here in Budapest, and if I can be open to seeing the good in it, perhaps I will settle in more wholesomely.
First Week Of The Rest Of Our Lives
Not gonna lie it’s been hard. Which serves me right, because I was warned multiple times not to underestimate how difficult it was going to be.
The Permanent Lump in the Back of my Throat
At this moment, the decision to lift my eyes from my reading resulted in the feelings of goodbye and departure starting to bubble up inside.
Finding the Common Denominator in our Denominations
Somehow, we Christians have fewer gods than the Hindus but more ways of dividing ourselves as followers. Typical.
The Great Unsettling
Unsettling is hard. But I promise you it will be the best thing you ever do.
The Holy Common
Sometimes, when I’m sharing my story of how God is calling me to overseas missions, some of my friends start to feel ‘lesser-than’ or beneath me because they still have regular vocations, and that’s simply not true.
Graduation and a Speech
I can honestly say I don’t think there have been a lot of people as pessimistic about this course as I was when I first drove in over those gigantic Eastwest signature speed bumps.
The Bittersweet of the Almost Finished
The lack of clarity around Goodbye protocol could make one cry out for the strict regimented structure of olden-day England, and as a woman, that’s saying something.
Four Reasons Why Missionaries Aren't Super Christians
We can be guilty of letting honour and opinion become more important than the actual truth of the calling.
Five Reasons Why Europe Still Needs Missionaries
It’s really easy to think that because Europe has Christian heritage and history, they no longer require missionaries to work there.
Space to Create
I don’t often let myself get bored, but when I do, there seem to be extreme consequences.
Lay Your Stones in a Pile
Maybe distraction is the modern-day good person’s crack cocaine.
I am Maori. I am European.
The sooner we acknowledge the bothness in us all, the sooner we can move towards real peace, both inwardly and outwardly.
The God of my Friends
Sometimes I feel like an absolute failure. And missionaries aren’t really supposed to be the failing type.
Friday Favorites: 5 Books to Encourage Spiritual Growth
When trying to find a good book to read, I think about what my life might be lacking at the time, and I try fill that gap. And lately, the gap has been spiritual growth.